Treating people fairly

Empowering our communities and fostering a diverse & inclusive culture

We recognize the importance of building a company culture in which our broad and diverse internal communities can thrive. We believe that by breaking down barriers and creating an inclusive environment, we can harness the power of our differences and achieve our collective goals. By investing in our employees, communities, and stakeholders, we are laying the foundation for a better future for all.

Health, safety and worker protection

Group-wide operational health and safety protocols set the relevant infrastructure and behavioral norms. The company encourages all colleagues to actively maintain and improve the culture of safety wherever they operate. To promote awareness and prevent accidents and injuries, continuous training on health and safety is provided to all employees.


Create an accountable, zero-incident culture.



  • Begin annual audit of health and safety policies, systems, and procedures, standardize these 
and create a roadmap for further improvements by 2025.
  • Cultivate a safe and welcoming working environment to continually reduce incidents with a 
target of 50% reduction on 2022 baseline by 2030.

One of gategroup’s clear ESG goals is to have an accountable, zero-incident culture. As accidents with personal injuries do occur, as a first step, the company is committed to assessing the root causes of personal incidents and creating a roadmap for improvement by 2025.

Diversity, equity, inclusion (DE&I) & wellbeing


Create an industry-leading DE&I action plan and implement by 2025.



  • Roll-out group-wide DE&I awareness on all levels by EoY 2023.
  • By EoY 2025, establish a framework to recognize, support, and uplift the diversity and communities within our organization.

Various activities in this field have been in place at our units across the globe. As part of the ESG Framework 2025, gategroup is giving strategic focus to DE&I.

Community, social impact & labor rights

As a culinary company, we have always felt a calling during times of humanitarian crisis to provide sustenance to people in need. In 2022, the company joined efforts coordinated by the Swiss NGO Cuisine sans frontières to provide meals to Ukrainian refugees who sought safety in Romania. The company is proud to have been among the first responders to this crisis.


Create a group-wide community engagement strategy to foster social impact in our locations.



  • Each Region to identify and support at least one employee-selected local community project by 2024 and start measuring social contribution metrics by 2025.
  • Engage with our host communities to provide good work opportunities and a sustainable path for professional growth.

Our ambition to create a group-wide community engagement strategy to foster social impact in the group’s locations displays our dedication to continue our contribution and support to these communities.

Caring for
our planet




Take action now: report any misconduct concerns, and contribute to creating a speak-up culture that raises awareness and addresses issues.