Gategroup's Speak-up Line

SpeakUp if you have concerns!

The gategroup code of conduct reflects our commitment to a strong compliance culture as the foundation of how we do business. We are each accountable for our actions, and gategroup is prepared to ensure that the organization is managed in line with our commitment. You can help us achieve this goal. Our compliance reporting line provides you with a dedicated communication channel for reporting potential issues of non-compliance with our code of conduct, applicable laws and gategroup policies.

If you notice or suspect any misconduct (violation of laws or internal regulations), you are urged to report it. It is recommended that you first speak to the relevant person or your line manager about it. If you are uncomfortable with this for any reason, you can contact a member of human resources or the legal department. If you believe that the issue cannot be resolved through normal business channels, then you can use the gategroup reporting line.

Any employee who raises a compliance concern in good faith acts, in the interest of gategroup and deserves acknowledgement. gategroup does not tolerate any retaliation against any employee who raises a compliance concern in good faith.

Irrespective of the reporting channel chosen, you give gategroup the opportunity to appropriately handle such problems and thus improve gategroup as an employer of choice.

About the gategroup SpeakUp System

The reporting website and the local telephone numbers of the gategroup reporting line system are managed by an independent third party. This assures protection and confidentiality. It provides the option to speak up anonymously if needed.
The system offers both employees and other gategroup stakeholders (like suppliers) an alternative option to report potential problems in a secure manner.

SpeakUp Line FAQ for Employees

Download Speakup Line FAQ for Employees

Speak Up System

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