Serving more than 120 airlines, operating at 28 airports in 21 countries and employing 10,500 people, Servair is a major player in airline catering and food services in France and Africa. Since it was founded by Air France in 1971, Servair has made its culinary identity a strategic priority and partnered with the world’s greatest chefs crafting menus that both entice and satisfy.

Studio Culinaire

A lever for creation and discovery

Studio Culinaire Servair brings together starred chefs and experts to raise the quality standards of on-board catering and transpose the codes of haute cuisine to passenger meals throughout the world. Studio Culinaire has one simple and bold objective: to drive on-board catering to new levels of excellence. Inspired by the world’s gastronomic heritage, we embrace creativity and innovation as the cornerstones of our cutting-edge concepts. The Studio’s ideas and quest for new standards in the sky have made it the pre-eminent think-tank and a major disruptor in airline catering, shaking up the norm and setting new precedents.


Through its three business axes, onboard services, airports services and out-of-home catering, Servair provides tailor-made offers across France and Africa.

Our global presence

Find the locations where we currently operate and contact us at if you are looking to partner for any of the above services. We are ready to deliver excellence and meet your needs and expectations.
Visit Servair’s official website for more info.